Over the past month I’ve been spending a lot of time watching these female entrepreneur moguls in the personal styling and wardrobe consulting industry. There’s only three women that I noted to be the most notable in the industry. Two are from the U.S. and one is based in Dubai, and all I can say about these women is that they all have admirable traits and similar traits that have made them successful.
Most of them, like me, seem single because we spend our career and our life dedicated to the industry, which leaves us with little time for a social life and little patience for men with little minds. Because what makes female entrepreneurs so important? We are #bossbabes, with creativity, who make decisions and live or die by how successful we are. So what’s the common trait that we all have? We hustle from New York to L.A.! We evaluate our competitors. We try to become more creative, thinking of new ideas to reinvent ourselves, and to keep our top status.
But I have a confession to make, I’ve been slacking. Because after some point in time you get exhausted of thinking of new ideas and coming up with new concepts and you need a refresh of resources to become creative again. What do all these successful female entrepreneurs in the personal styling and personal shopping industry have in common? We all love L.A. as personal stylists….but all jokes aside, they started from the ground up, worked as a personal stylist with numerous clients, positioning themselves as experts. And they’ve trained other people, some more than others, and have written books to position themselves as experts.
So why do I say that it’s lonely at the top? Because one other aspect that all these women have in common is that we seem to be single! We put our careers first! We work so that we’re on the cutting-edge not only in fashion but in marketing too! And were always striving to compete amongst ourselves and against ourselves. So that’s what it takes to be super successful in the industry. What do you want? To be lonely like us? Actually were not really that lonely because we love our work. And so when work is your passion it’s not really work!
So it’s time to quit your 9-to-5 job or the job that is so unfulfilling to you and pursue your passion as a personal stylist! This job gives you more freedom to travel the world, shop in exciting places, and live your life like a vacation all the time. But again let me emphasize that it’s a lot of work and hustle if you don’t ant to be super successful and it can get a bit lonely at the top.
But nonetheless we’re not discouraging you to become a personal stylist and personal shopper. At the Sterling Style Academy we have classes coming up in LA, New York, Miami, Dubai, and Hong Kong. So join the select few who have gone on to become superstar stylist! Yes there are some who are married too. But not all of us are as lucky… Like J Lo said, in the movie the Wedding Planner, “Some people wed, I plan!” So as successful personal stylists, we plan! And then we hopefully wed later…
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