The Sterling Style Academy offers a revolutionary personal shopping training program that is unique to the image consultant training industry. Targeted toward jet setting fashionistas aspiring to work with world traveling socialites and executives, The World Traveler(TM) trains its students in the art of becoming global fashion professionals. The two-part personal stylist training course taking place in the Eastern Hemisphere (Sydney and Hong Kong) or in the Western Hemisphere (London and New York).
The Sterling Style Academy is the first and only image consultant training program to offer the World Traveler(TM) Program to prepare personal shoppers and personal stylists to be hired by globe traveling professionals and exclusive clientele. These clients pay lucratively to ensure they project the most successful image whether they are attending the Cannes Film Festival or closing the business deal in Tokoyo. From Moscow to Singapore, world travelers seek the best local culture has to offer.
As a global personal shopper, you must operate from the same global perspective as your exclusive niche market. With a resume boasting personal stylist training in Sydney AND Hong Kong, or London AND New York, you have already established your credibility as a fellow world traveler and can charge top dollar for your top-notch personal styling services. You’ve been to Harrod’s in London, Bergdorf in New York, the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney, and the downtown towers of Hong Kong, not to mention the not-for-tourists shopping destinations off the beaten path. You have been there, you can relate, so now they are ready to get down to the business of creating a successful image – with you.
The Sterling Style Academy’s World Traveler(TM) Program is designed to teach you the elements and principles of design as they relate to the body and fashion with practical application during part one of the course in Sydney or London. Then you travel to Hong Kong or New York to apply your newly mastered skills to the business of personal shopping and personal styling, including style evaluations, closet consultations, and personal shopping sessions, in the setting of up-market department stores.
World Traveler Program(TM) Eastern Hemisphere:
- Session I – Sydney, Australia – February 28 – March 9, 2011. Registration closes by January 17, 2011.
- Session II – Hong Kong, China – March 14 – 18, 2011. Registration closes by Jan. 17, 2011.
World Traveler Program (TM) Western Hemisphere:
- Session I – London, United Kingdom – July 4-13, 2011. Registration closes by May 23, 2011.
- Session II – New York, United States – July 18-22, 2011. Registration closes by May 23, 2011.
Session I and II can be taken separately and be split into 2 years.
The Sterling Style Academy faculty are seasoned world traveling image consultants and will ensure you graduate the World Traveler(TM) Program with insider shopping knowledge. You will master the fashion industry skills to perform closet consultations on up-market wardrobes, personal shopping sessions with designer labels, and wardrobe consultations with actual world traveling clients.
As a Sterling Style Academy Graduate, you are equipped with a training manual CD and four instructional DVDs regarding how to execute a Personal Style Evaluation, a Wardrobe and Closet Evaluation, Personal Shopping Services, and Makeup Application.
Launch your global personal shopping career in 2011 with the Sterling Style Academy’s World Traveler(TM) Program. Email us for more information or call to speak with one of our representatives. Enroll in the World Traveler(TM) Program today. International students are encouraged to enroll via wire transfer rather than credit card payment.

Your Online Personal Shopper + Stylist
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