If you’re thinking about hiring a Dubai personal stylist for your wardrobe, you’re in good company. Many women and men are choosing to hire someone who understands the ins and outs of fashion and personal style simply to have less stress in their life. The expertise offered by our professionals, enable the everyday person to create a personal style that resonates with their body and shape. Sterling Style Academy Certified Personal Stylists execute consultations with professionalism, care and skill that enable us to identify body issues and style concerns, and help you improve your personal style.
Each trained professional from the Sterling Style Academy can provide you with personalized information about how to correctly wear clothes that flatter you. Whether you’d like to learn which color hues look great on you or if you’d simply like to improve the whole of your appearance, we can help.
No two people are identical in body shape. To get beyond color palettes and body shapes, a stylist will assist you in matching your wardrobe to your personality, lifestyle, and tastes. This creates a holistic experience that can improve your confidence and style.
Instead of shopping solely for the ‘trends’, a Dubai personal stylist can help you isolate which pieces work well for you and which simply don’t. Once a Sterling Style Academy graduate overviews your wardrobe, we will provide you with a shopping plan that identifies exactly what you should purchase. This prevents any confusion when you’re standing in a department store sorting through the racks. It also helps you make each dirham count and go a long way towards improving your style and making your wardrobe easier to mix and match. Not only will a professional help you do all of this, but they will also put functionality and class above all other aspects of your wardrobe. This helps you create lasting and stylish wardrobe.

How is that a stylist is able to achieve all this? First, by understanding trends and fashions, and then by incorporating these trends into a framework that keeps your wardrobe looking fresh and sophisticated. Our Dubai Personal Stylists understands the best colors, accessories, and styles to wear regardless of your personality and background, all while making the process cost efficient. They also know that one item can make all the difference in transforming an outfit, and they know precisely where to find that one item. Essentially, they make it easy to shop for and find the best clothing and accessories no matter what your personal style may be.
In addition to everyday wear, a Dubai personal stylist can provide special event dress advice while adhering to etiquette and protocols that suit the event. Your only job is to sit back, relax and enjoy their advice and personalized service.
With confidence, knowledge, and skill you can fill your wardrobe with sophisticated and fashionable clothing, all while staying on budget. All of this can only be accomplished with the help of a certified professional Dubai personal stylist from the Sterling Style Academy.
To schedule a ‘Style Me Sensational’ appointment (4 hours) with an expert Dubai Personal Stylist, please make your credit card investment below. Generally we are booked 1 week in advance. Therefore please feel free to contact us at info@sterlingstyleacademy.com for a stylist’s availability. Thank you.
Once we receive email notification of your payment, we will contact you to set up an appointment.
Consultations are conducted and billed through Global Image Group, Inc. and are non-refundable.

Your Online Personal Shopper + Stylist
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