Are you looking for a trusted and credible image consultant training program in Lebanon? Are you tired of being taught about image, fashion and style by someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about? Do you love image, fashion and style?
While there are options from Dubai that come to Lebanon to train image consultants, there are now options from New York that will come to Lebanon to train individuals on how to become image consultants, personal stylists and personal shoppers with the Sterling Style Academy. Our image consultant instructors are not Lebanese, they are American with a global understanding of style as we also have classes in New York, L.A., Paris, Milan, and Dubai. Since 2005, we have been known as accredited master trainers certifying top image consultants worldwide through the Sterling Style Academy.

If you’d like to learn more about what you can expect to learn during image consultant training, click here. If you’d like to learn more about what type of salary you can expect to earn as a Sterling Style Academy image consultant alumni, click here. We recommend that you read about our graduate success stories here and how our graduates can be hired by people looking for image consultants, personal stylists and personal shoppers by clicking here. And if you’d like to learn more about our image consultant training programs in Beirut, click here. If this class is not within your budget, we recommend taking our 3 or 5 Day Short Courses which will give you more than a solid base to start in the industry especially if your goal is to become an Instagram influencer, fashion blogger, or celebrity stylist. We are no longer members of AICI (the Association of Image Consultants International) for reasons that you can read about here but rest assured that we produce fashioned chic image consultants like a tired Nivin Skayki after she completed the Paris course. See her video testimonial on our Instagram.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions via email and follow us on Instagram @sterlingstyleacademy
During the COVID-19 situation, we are offering instructor-led ONLINE image consultant and personal stylist training (click here for details) for an investment of US$2497 to receive certification. This course will be taught in a similar manner as we teach the in-class 2-week course which is normally an investment of US$8800 if you take it in New York, Dubai, or Miami. So take advantage of this offer, be productive during this pandemic, and see you online! This promotional package does not include our eShort Courses in the training investment. #coronavirusoffer

OUR GRADUATES ARE ON TV! It’s our job to make you famous!
5 Day Image Coach Training: December 13 – 17, 2020 | US$3677
Registration Closes on November 16, 2020
Meet Mayssa, one of our most successful Lebanese graduates living in Dubai.
Here are some samples of some our favorites looks from Style in Beirut’s Instagram page.

#ootnstyle, #outfit, #outfitgrid, #outfitshare, #photooftheday, #realoutfitgram, #shoeporn, #shoesoftheday, #slaytheday, #sneakerporn

Your Online Personal Shopper + Stylist
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