Do you love fashion? Do you have a corporate executive job at the moment but would love to transition or combine your love of fashion with business?
Well now is the PERFECT time to do that! Why? Here’s why:
🔜Retail, now more the ever, is going to have a focus online
🔜Businesses, especially in-demand service business, will also have to be online and on-demand
🔜And lastly people are looking to stay employed, seeking employment, or starting their own side gig business in the gig economy
So what does this all have to do with your love of fashion and being a corporate professional?
Simple! New York Image Consultant Training is the Future of Fashion in the 2020s
What is the future of fashion? It remains an open variable largely impacted by the era of digital disruption and digital marketing. Fashion brands have been forced to not only sell their products online but also market their products online. If you are in retail marketing or any other marketing job and you love fashion, you are so perfect for a corporate image consultant role. Because after all, a corporate image consultant is good at corporate communications, HR, and on-boarding – knowing the skill sets of what it takes for a corporation to hire or fire a person.
However if you’re not a marketing professional, but you’re still a corporate professional, we will show you how to integrate your current skill sets into becoming a corporate image consultant because, after all, each person is unique and therefore each service based business is unique.
Corporate Image Consultants will be in demand if they have a virtual component to their businesses, aka coaching sessions via zoom, and of course you can still book those 1:1 sessions in person.
However here’s the benefit of being online:
1. You can serve more customers and not just in the New York area
2. Cut extra travel expense or time commuting to the office or the client’s office
3. Serve more clients
4. Have flexible work hours
5. It’s pandemic proof
Moreover here’s the reason why corporate image consultants will be in demand:
✨People will need to work on their online presence and how they communicate on video
✨Not many people like to be on video; they feel embarrassed by their communication skills, how they present themselves, or how they look
✨Furthermore when you’re an executive, you need to project executive presence, and now is the most important time for you to project that executive presence in order for you to stay employed and make yourself an invaluable asset
In addition, as many people transition from corporate jobs into starting their own business, building their own personal brand should be their number one priority.
So are you connecting the dots?
When you take our New York Corporate Image Consultant Course, we will teach you how to craft the personal brand and image of a corporate professional turned side gig business owner.
With so many people losing their jobs it’s important to turn their redundancy into an asset. Many people who work in large accounting firms, law firms, financial institutions, often become business owners. Read the story of Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon and the world’s richest person who owns an online retail conglomerate.
So going back into your love of fashion, when you work with an individual on their image, you have to put your fashion skills into play.
✨You need to dress them up or tell them what to wear for their video appearances.
✨You need to tell them how they need to protect themselves and enhance their communication skills.
✨Plus you need to coach them on their emotional intelligence which is their soft skills.
Convinced that you should seek out a career to become a corporate image consultant?
Yes, I’m in! And no you don’t need to live in New York in order to take our New York corporate image consultant training program. Many people will fly to New York to take the program or we are also offering this course ONLINE while the program is in session in New York in August. So, cut potentially $5,000 – $10,000 in travel expenses coming to New York to take our corporate image consultant program. Use it toward your course tuition and/or to go shopping instead. Or use it for marketing your future business! However, if you would like to come to New York because you prefer face-to-face training then we welcome you to join our course!
Click here for details on what our Corporate Image Consultant course contains as well as future course dates.
Send one of your in-house corporate professionals to take this training program and roll out your own in-house executive presence program.
Live in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, India, or Hong Kong and want to take this program? You can take it LIVE online at our scheduled time from 10am – 4:30pm EST if you can’t travel to New York. (World Clock)
If you’re an executive and you would like to work with our founder, Michelle T. Sterling, on your personal brand, please email us.

Your Online Personal Shopper + Stylist
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