Are you a fashion blogger and would like multiple streams of income? Become a certified personal stylist and personal shopper!
What’s the benefit of having multiple streams of income? When one stream if income isn’t flowing so well the other one can get you through. Blogging is just a starting point to offering services, e-books, e-Courses, or products. If you are ready blogging about fashion chances are you love putting outfits together so why not put outfits together for other people? That’s what a personal stylist does. So if you’re already on Instagram and use the affiliate program, like you know it app, then you’re monetizing income in one way but you could also be monetizing income by displaying those outfits on your blog and in turn dressing others according to those styles but most importantly according to their own personal style.
Because the main function of being a personal stylist is not to just dress the person according to your own personal style but to dress the person according to their own personal style. So chances are if they’re following you they happen to like your style but the question is, is your style of the best style for them? If you’re lucky your style is a good style for them however if your style isn’t the best for them what do you do?
That’s the importance of personal stylist and personal shopper certification programs. These types of programs enable you to understand how to dress a person according to their own personal style and not according to your own style. Because one of the comments we most commonly hear from student who take our classes is it’s so hard not to pick stuff for myself and I need to think about others. And that’s the truth! When we shop, we usually shop for ourselves and gravitate towards certain things. And so if the person’s personal style is the opposite of yours it will be quite difficult for you. However if you’re taking a certification program and understand the person’s personal coloring, the person’s body type, the person’s style personalities, then chances are you’re going to have success in dressing them according to their own personal style.
So if you love fashion, and you love seeing what’s new in the stores or online, then helping others dress according to their own personal style should be a natural fit for you. Just remember you’re shopping for someone else other than yourself and making them look their personal best.
To learn more about Sterling Style Academy’s personal stylist and personal shopper certification programs, click here. If you’re a natural at this already, then simply join our eCertification program to give you that instant credibility to start earning the dollars that you should be earning rather than making peanuts. The eCertification program is hands-on in that there is a training video that explains how to thoroughly go through things and so along with the workbook, this is a useful training program to position you for personal styling and personal shopping success.
If you’re a fashion blogger in LA, Miami, New York, Milan, Paris, Hong Kong or Dubai, our classes are held in these locations – making it easy for you to attend.

Your Online Personal Shopper + Stylist
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