The Sterling Style Academy is so proud of Italian born, Chilean resident, Ameriga Giannone, for her latest accomplishment – being the host of a personal shopping TV show, like the What Not to Wear of Chile, called Personal Shopper: Al rescate de tu imagen!
It all started with one TV appearance to consult a woman with compulsive shopping problems and then producers of another TV channel contacted her to be the host of a regular live TV show! And that’s how it’s done ladies and gentlemen – education, motivation, hard work, and luck! Click here to watch her TV series in Spanish – you’ll love her Italian Spanish accent!
She was also recently featured in a New York Times article entitled “36 Hours in Santiago.”
Publicity is the name of the game in order to get clients, get paid, and get recognition! Congratulations again, Ameriga, and keep up the good work!
You too can be the next Sterling Style Academy graduate success story and pioneer in your countrywhether it be in Egypt, Nigeria, Angola, and South Africa or Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, or India, Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, or Turkey, Poland, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia, or in Brazil, Peru, Mexico and Colombia. We are here to give you the tools you need to achieve your goals!
About the Sterling Style Academy
The Sterling Style Academy trains and certifies prospective and aspiring image consultants, personal stylists, and personal shoppers to pursue the career of their dreams. With 10 annual training courses held throughout the year in New York, London, Dubai, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Sydney, Miami, Las Vegas, and San Francisco, as well as Online Training, Teleclasses, and Short eCourses, the Sterling Style Academy prepares you to become a top notch pioneer in the image consulting, personal shopping, and personal styling industry. Master the art of image, fashion and style to become a fashion styling expert. Contact the Sterling Style Academy today to learn how we can help you start a career you are passionate about – shopping and styling! Like us or become our friend on Facebook.

Your Online Personal Shopper + Stylist
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