Why choose the Sterling Style Academy for your image consultant, personal stylist or personal shopper training? Because reviews have shown that while others have tried to model their training programs after ours in the last five years, we are still the leader in progressive image consultant training for young and ambitious women in their 20s and 30s who want to start pursuing the career of their dreams in their youth and potentially diversify their skill set as they mature.
What is modeling? When you model a business you emulate the business’ best practices not just from the course curriculum they offer but also from a marketing prospective with regards to location of training, images and pictures used for marketing, and even website text. So why do other institutions model their companies after the Sterling Style Academy? Because we are on the forefront of business, entrepreneurship, and best marketing practices in the industry. We are a credible and internationally established image stylist-training brand and most of all we produce successful graduates worldwide.
So why enroll into an imitation training program, when you can obtain a certificate from the Sterling Style Academy for US$1247? It’s like asking yourself why purchase a knock off Louis Vuitton handbag, when you can afford to purchase the real thing? Because when you look closely at a knockoff you will eventually see the flaws in its construction, foundation, and perhaps even on it’s finishing touches. When you purchase a classic Louis Vuitton handbag it is timeless. On occasion Louis Vuitton updates their collections with trend pieces to match the market’s demands like Christian Louboutin’s design for Louis Vuitton. So when it comes to image consultant training and reviews about the Sterling Style Academy, our image consultant, personal stylist and personal shopper training programs are based off of time tested industry practices yet incorporate modern, best business practices to ensure you are receiving the most practical information and top notch education in order for you to succeed. We’re not just into style, we’re into substance. We’ve trained many women in the last decade with different learning styles and our trainers are able to adapt their teaching style to not only ensure that you understand how to execute all the technical aspects of style but also that you put it into practice in your business. We’ve found that the students who have taken our online image consultant training program are the best technically equipped students and future consultants in the industry and when they have combined their education with our 3-Day Short Course or 1-Day Personal Shopper Training Program for just US$847, they are guaranteed to succeed. However statistics have shown that those who have completed the 5-Day Personal Stylist and Personal Shopper Training Course without any additional training have mastered the skill sets necessary to succeed and have established extremely viable businesses.
Our motto is that your success is our success. So when it comes to selecting image consultant and personal stylist training, train with the best to be the best. If you’d like to make an investment in yourself however you’re unsure if you will actually incorporate the training into your career, invest in our Fashion and Style Consultant eCertification Program for less than half the price of a Chanel handbag and you can always add additional training to your skill set later.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our future training programs!

Your Online Personal Shopper + Stylist
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