Dreaming of a career as a fashion consultant but struggling to find the time for training? Our online stylist training short eCourses to become a fashion consultant and stylist are your answer.
Whether you’re unable to commit to a labor intensive, in-depth training program due to work or personal obligations, or if you’re a certified consultant seeking further online education to sharpen your expertise, Sterling Style Academy has a suite of eLearning options crafted just for you.
Discover the convenience and concise training offered by the Sterling Style Academy, including our 5-Step Online Stylist Training eCertification Program. This essential basics program is tailored to fast-track your consultive mastery in personal styling, wardrobe and closet consultation, and personal shopping — all through our laser focused, easy-to-follow eCourses.
You’ll not only gain access to 5 essential eCourses, but also receive personalized online stylist training and mentorship, enabling you to confidently conduct both in-person and remote consultations for your clients.
Our eCourses span the gamut from core concepts like the basis of color analysis to providing comprehensive personal style consultations and strategies for effective wardrobe evaluations and personal shopping services. Plus, we’ll guide you in crafting impressive professional look books that perfectly embody your client’s individual fashion sensibilities.
If your passion for fashion is calling you to transform it into a profession, Sterling Style Academy is your next step. Are you ready to escalate your fashion fervor to a professional endeavor? Join us and start consulting with skill and confidence.
Upon purchasing 1) What Are My True Colors, 2) Personal Style Consulting, 3) Wardrobe Consulting, 4) Personal Shopping, and 5) Personal Styling, you will receive a certificate via email as a Fashion Consultant & Stylist.
ebooks & ECourses are non-refundable
What Are My True Colors – A Modern Guide to Color Analysis
UPDATED 2022 | What Are My True Colors – A Modern Guide to Color Analysis includes:
- A brief introduction about color theory and the different types of color qualities – it’s not the seasons
- Showcases individuals of different personal colorings from around the world
- Features up-to-date, fashion forward clothing samples within the different color qualities to inspire you with wonderful ideas and examples to show your clients based on their personal coloring.
- Best of all, you can showcase the booklet on your smartphone or tablet.
- The color palettes in this booklet serve as a tool to conduct online color analysis or in-person consultations – providing you with a modern day solution for the modern day woman.

Click Here and enter your email address to purchase the electronic version of the What Are My True Colors booklet for use on iPhone, iPad or computer for US$34.97
Personal Style Consulting eCourse
The Personal Style Consulting eCourse is an image consultant and personal stylist training book and training video that will teach you how to execute flawless personal style consultations for clients. In this eCourse, you will learn how to evaluate your client’s personality, physical appearance, lifestyle and goals to ensure that you project yourself as a credible image consultant and personal stylist.

UPDATED 2022 | The Personal Style Consulting eCourse includes:
- A Personal Style Consultation Workbook, an instructional video tutorial on how to execute a personal style consultation, with a re-printable professional workbook, and client consultation assessment form to use with clients during the consultation
- Use the client consultation forms to identify, categorize and determine your client’s personal style based on their personality, profession, lifestyle, activities, body type, personal coloring, and wardrobe preferences.
- Use the Personal Style Consultation Workbook as a tool to conduct color, fashion style and body analysis consultations with clients.
- Print the re-printable personal style consultation book to give to clients during a consultation – adding value to the service you provide
- Watch the instructional video and discover how to: interview a client; advise a client on their personal coloring and identify optimal colors for hair, clothing and make-up; determine the client’s body type and make recommendations on clothing silhouettes that would best suit their figure; conduct a body analysis and determine the appropriate clothing style, cut, fit, color, fabric and pattern best suited for the client’s body shape, proportion, and facial features; and evaluate a client’s fashion style personality to dress them harmoniously according to their personal style.
- Use this Personal Style Consulting eCourse to give client consultations or to learn more about your own personal style.
- This image consultant and personal stylist training book and video contain the theoretical foundation that determines the difference between being just a personal stylist and being an exceptionally trained personal stylist.
- US$397 – electronic downloadable version
Click Here and enter your email address to purchase the electronic version of the Personal Style Consulting eCourse.
Wardrobe Consulting eCourse
The Wardrobe Consulting eCourse has been developed to get you started in the wardrobe consulting and personal styling industry. Learn how to add value to your client consultations by showing the client how to mix and match their existing wardrobe, cluster outfits according to the artistic and scientific aspects of style, and create cohesive wardrobes for your clients.
The Wardrobe Consulting eCourse includes:
- A training manual and 90-minute instructional video tutorial on how to perform an effective Wardrobe and Closet Audit and how to personal style a client within their closet.
- How to organize a client’s closet and build a cohesive wardrobe
- How to effectively interview and manage client expectations
- How to evaluate and understand the needs of your client
- Ways to solve various issues that arise during Wardrobe and Closet Audits
- 4 types of Wardrobe and Closet Audits
- Industry terminology for Wardrobe Consultations and beyond
- US$297 – electronic downloadable version

Click Here and enter your email address to purchase the electronic version of the Wardrobe Consulting eCourse.
Personal Shopping eCourse

The Personal Shopping eCourse will teach you the ins and outs of a personal styling and personal shopping career – all while saving you time, money, and hassle. Personal Stylist and Personal Shopper Michelle T. Sterling offers her insider knowledge and expertise of the industry. She shares her proven methodologies to becoming an asset to your clients when working with men and women. Start on the road to a successful personal styling and personal shopping career on your own time.
The Personal Shopping eCourse includes:
- A training manual (UPDATED IN 2023) and 75-minute instructional video tutorial detailing a Personal Shopping Consultation
- How to work with men and women as a personal shopper
- Factors to consider when personal shopping and working with clients
- What questions to ask your clients in order to effectively go personal shopping for them
- How to interpret your client’s personal coloring when personal shopping
- How to create a capsule wardrobe for your clients according to their personal coloring, fashion style, personality, and lifestyle
- The do’s and don’ts when shopping for men and women
- A step-by-step guide on how to conduct an online personal shopper consultation for a client
- Learn how to become an Instagram personal shopper
- Learn how to become a luxury personal shopper
- US$297 – electronic downloadable version
Click Here and enter your email address to purchase the electronic version of the Personal Shopping eCourse.
Personal Styling eCourse
The Personal Styling eCourse will teach you the crucial skill every personal stylist and personal shopper must master — putting together a Look Book for the client. Learn from one of the best in the industry how to present wardrobe recommendations to your client in a professional and cohesive manner.
The Personal Styling eCourse includes:
- A video tutorial detailing the concepts and thought process behind creating a Look Book
- Men’s and women’s customizable Look Book templates complete with instructions on how to use the template for your clients
- A sample men’s case study Look Book featuring outfit selections for the client based on occasion and lifestyle – enabling you to see the final product
- Detailed instructions on how to add on this service to your clients, how to bill clients for this service, as well as discussion of the organizational process and factors to consider when putting together a Look Book for clients in the professional arena
- You will receive maximum benefit when you purchase this along with Personal Shopping
- US$297 / Now US$97 – electronic downloadable version

Click Here and enter your email address to purchase the electronic version of the Personal Styling eCourse.

Our Image Consultant Sales, Marketing, and Business Brand Identity Launch Kit includes the following:
The 2023 Digital Marketing Reboot Collection
Here’s What’s Included:
The 5 Pillars to Good Content Marketing in 2023
5 Key Social Media Platforms for Creatives
Current Trends in Social Media Marketing for Creatives and/or Personal Stylists
Develop Your Personal Brand Identity
Personal Stylist Services and Packages Reboot
Personal Styling Services, Color Consultant, and Image Consultant Sales Pitches
Services Page Text that Sells Your Services
20 Blog Post Topics for Personal Stylists + 20 Completely Done for You and Copyright Free Written Blogs
15 Blog Post Topics for a Personal Color Analysis Consultant + 15 Completely Done for You and Copyright Free Written Blogs
10 Blog Post Topics for an Image Consultant + 10 Completely Done for You and Copyright Free Written Blogs
20 Video Content Topic Ideas for Personal Stylists
10 Video Content Topic Ideas for Personal Color Analysis Consultants
15 Video Content Topic Ideas for Image Consultants
30 Infographic Ideas for Personal Stylists
20 Infographic Ideas for a Color Analysis Consultants
30 Infographic Ideas for an Image Consultant
15 Podcast Topics for a Personal Stylist + 5 Completely Completely Done for You and Copyright Free Written Scripts for the Podcasts
15 Podcast Topics for a Color Analysis Consultant
15 Podcast Topics for an Image Consultant
- A video tutorial on how to use the Sales, Marketing and Business Brand Identity Launch Kit
- Multiple image consultant press releases templates
- Simply input your company information to make it your own
- Sample image consultant sales pitches
- This will help you determine the best way to approach your target customer
- An image consultant business plan outline and worksheet with an earnings income projection model
- An image consultant marketing plan outline and worksheet– tailored for the image consultant industry and includes today’s top marketing strategies
- Sample business card, postcard and brochure templates
- Customize each template by inserting your information and organization’s colors and logo
- Sample text to sell your image consultant business and services
- Use in your sales collateral, website and direct-to-consumer materials
- A 40-minute coaching session to discuss your current business growth needs and how to incorporate these materials to build your business (Please email us to schedule this appointment upon receipt of your launch kit.)
- US$597
Learn how to promote and market yourself to become a successful image consultant in your country using the Sterling Style Academy methodology which has produced top-notch image consultants like Yuuri Takano, Japan’s leading image consultant of choice. Within the first three years of being in business for herself, Ms. Takano is among the top two percentile of highly paid image consultant and personal shopper salaries worldwide – earning more than US$250,000 per year.
Click Here and enter your email address to purchase the electronic version of the Sales, Marketing, Business Brand Identity Launch Kit eCourse.
Immediately upon purchase, you will receive electronic access to the materials.
The templates from the Sterling Style Academy Sales, Marketing and Business Brand Identity Launch Kit can be translated into your primary language to suit your needs; however the Sales, Marketing and Business Brand Identity Launch Kit workbook can not be translated for reproduction without prior consent of the Sterling Style Academy.
All Sterling Style Academy training programs and consultant resources are non-refundable and are billed through Sterling Style Academy.