There are a lot of sponsored ads out there right now selling you online marketing training for image consultants and personal stylists. About half of the ones that we’ve seen are actually credible while the other half are just trying their luck. Remember that credibility is built when you have a proven track record.
So, what we really want to tell you is that, developing a business doesn’t just happen overnight. While we’ve never had a seven figure business (that’s in USD), we’ve had a multiple six figure business and the following are the key principles or attitudes that you need in order to first get started and then get your business going.
First, it’s always good to start a business in a bad economy because your business has nowhere to go but up.
Second, when you start you have to first ask yourself, do I really have a passion for the business that I want to start because if you don’t, you will DEFINITELY GIVE UP. And the education you obtained in order to become an image consultant or stylist will have just been a “shelf education” – you took the class and then just put your books on the shelf. That could also be why people choose to take cheaper training programs…aha moment. It’s about YOUR CONFIDENCE in your ability to launch a business that you doubt, so why invest so much money, right? That entirely depends on how much you value education.
Third, in order to become successful, you need to develop your skills in a chosen field and become, as well as position yourself, as an EXPERT. This is developed through proper training and development.
Forth, you need to create an online marketing plan and strategy for yourself and your business because if no one knows about you, there’s no business.
Fifth, being an entrepreneur takes patience, persistence, and perseverance. It’s like raising a child. You need to nurture it, so that grows and develops and is given the opportunity to succeed through online marketing.
Has Sterling Style Academy made US$50,000 in one month? Yes! The first time was during the third year of business. Have we made more in one month? Yes, we made over US$100,000 in one month but determined that the headache wasn’t worth the amount of money. That’s a decision or trade off that you need to make for yourself as a business owner.
We are only telling you all these things, because of all these people that we’ve seen lately that have been in business for 10 years or less and are selling you a dream of success and financial freedom by being self-employed. They start with their rags to riches stories with quick online marketing strategies that tell you, you can go from making $0 a month to making $250,000 in two weeks.
Here’s a tip. ALL ENTREPRENEURS STRUGGLE IN THEIR BUSINESS UNTIL THEY CREATE A PLAN TO MAKE IT SUCCESSFUL! Every entrepreneur has to develop their own framework for success. Let’s just see where these same people are 10 years from now because business goes in cycles, like life, it has its peaks and throughs.
People who are still in business 30 years later have withstood economic ups and downs. The economy honestly isn’t the determining factor whether someone is going to buy from you or not. If they have kept their online marketing strategy and knowledge current with the latest trends in online marketing, then it’s these image consultants and personal stylists that will succeed.
Are you ready to up-level your business? Join our 5-Week Online Business of Style Training + Coaching Program for just US$497.

Your Online Personal Shopper + Stylist
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