You’d like to create a personal stylist website, but you don’t know where to start. Becoming a personal stylist is something that you’ve wanted to do for years but have been held back doing other things. You ask yourself, “Do I create a personal stylist website first or should I get personal stylist certification? Is certification really necessary if I just want to go into people’s closets and go personal shopping for them?”
Well, the answer is yes. Most CREDIBLE personal stylists get certified. They should be able to conduct a figure analysis, body analysis, color analysis, and style analysis at the very least. Then they should be able to do a professional closet analysis and be your personal shopper.
Essentially these are all the services that personal stylists should be able to provide. However, you will see some that only put outfits together for you. That’s more like a wardrobe consultant.
If you’re looking for a certification program that covers all those services, we do recommend our Introduction to Fashion Consulting and Personal Styling Online Course for US$97.
If you’re looking to position yourself as a Virtual Stylist, click here for our online virtual stylist course for US$47.
Or if you’re ready to jump right into learning the essentials of becoming a personal stylist, we recommend taking our eCertification Program for US$997 to receive Fashion Consultant and Stylist certification.
However, let’s say you already got certified. You’re searching the internet for different personal stylist websites for ideas on how to create your website. What types of things are included in a personal stylist website?

Here’s your roadmap for creating a personal stylist website:
- Home Page
- About Page
- Services Page
- Testimonial Page
- Contact Us Page
Sometimes you will see websites contain all this information on one page rather than 5 pages. However, the breakdown is the same, and be sure to link your social media pages to your website.
The next question is how much should you charge? And should you place your prices on your website?
In general, we do not recommend new personal stylists to place pricing on their websites because you want prospective clients to contact you. If you’ve written those five pages mentioned above to position yourself as a credible personal stylist, people will want to contact you to inquire about your services.
Most people who have pricing on their website have been in the industry for several years and have already built their personal brand.
Our training director, Michelle T. Sterling, charges US$15,000 for clients to work with her in-person on an annual basis. It’s all about how you package, position, and promote your offline and online personal brand.
You can learn all these things and more when you enroll in our 5-Week Online Business of Style Training + Coaching Program for US$4497.
During that course, we’ll discuss how to develop your digital personal brand to position yourself with authenticity and credibility.
Are you looking for an online personal stylist and online personal shopper?
- Yours in Style,
- Ashley Taylor
- Business Coordinator
- Sterling Style Academy