Best Remote Jobs: Asian Americans and African Americans Seek Fashion Jobs
Did you swap your desk job for a remote job? Do you enjoy the freedom and the security of remote working? Working from home is no longer part of the gig economy; it’s become the new normal for white-collar jobs.
With individuals in industries such as tech, banking, and finance double-dipping into having two full-time, remote jobs earning anywhere from US$200,000 – $600,000 annually as mentioned in the Wall Street Journal, is it time for you to explore your passion and pursue a second remote job? Looking for the best remote job options?
Millennial Asian Americans and African Americans have been trading up their desk jobs and adding remote jobs during the pandemic. With the Delta variant on the rise in the United States, they are choosing to also spend their time pursuing their passion for fashion. Rather than trying to become a fashion blogger or an influencer, they are pursuing more stable routes such as image consulting and personal styling to pursue their passion for fashion.

Sue Lee, Korean-American from Fairfax, Virginia, explains, “I work in tech, but I also love fashion. As a millennial, if you want to make a decent income you have to create opportunities for yourself. I’ve never been one to be in the spotlight, so I don’t want to be an influencer. However, since I work in the digital space and I’m smart, perhaps I can combine my image consultant certification with my tech-savvy and launch a next-level system for virtual styling services.”
Sue further explains, “So naturally I searched for the best American training program that combined the scientific and artistic aspects of style, which is the Sterling Style Academy. Michelle T. Sterling is truly innovative in her approach to teaching and styling. She really is the best. I took the online image consultant and personal styling course with her and it’s worth every $2497 I paid. I look forward to pursuing this new journey as COVID becomes the new normal.”

Helen Woo, Chinese-American from Orange County, California, had the same idea and began our Online Image Consultant and Personal Stylist Training Program 5 months ago. She spent the summer working and traveling and has yet to complete the program, however she told the Sterling Style Academy that she loves that she can review the modules are her own pace. She loves learning about the science behind style and implementing these techniques when she works on her assignments and her business brand.
“I work in finance in New York, but since we are now working remotely, I moved back home to California. I have always loved fashion and getting dressed up. I think it’s something that is engrained into Asian American women since childhood. I love designer shoes and bags, but I never thought I could turn this into a side hustle. My friends and family always ask me for advice. So this year I thought, ‘Why not. Let’s go for it!’ I was thinking of getting a wardrobe stylist gig but then I found this. The online course is just the cost or less of one of my designer bags and based on the reviews it’s not going to be a waste of my time. It’s an easy remote job. It’s going to be worth my time if I can add an extra $100K to my income doing something I love! Plus who better to learn this from than Michelle T. Sterling who went from finance to fashion,” says Helen Woo.
So, if you have been looking for the best remote jobs in 2021 or thinking about remote jobs in fashion and have the passion, check out our online image consultant training program. Create an online side gig and offer services virtually. Or launch an online store. This is the perfect remote job for stay-at-home moms. If you’re Asian American, you’ll be able to tap into U.S. and Asian markets when you open a virtual business.